


Random Thoughts on the Plane

When the plane takes off,
it first accelerates quickly
and you can hear the rumbling sound of the fuselage
and the friction sound of the rolling tires.
Then you feel your body tilting backwards
and the sound of friction disappears.
It's flying now.

The clouds
each one is a floating island in the sky.
From takeoff, I've been counting.
There is a thick layer of clouds on one layer.
The sky is still not clear on two layers of clouds.
On three layers of clouds...
When I reach the fourth layer of clouds,
the sky is so blue
that it's hard to look away.
The city is getting smaller and smaller.
The clouds obediently
lie in layers at different heights
like invisible bunk beds.

Flying higher,
every direction is clear.
The cloudy and rainy ones
are all below.
They were experienced during the climb.
When ascending,
there were times when I got lost in the white mist,
and times when I experienced turbulence due to air currents.
But it's all in the past.
everything is clear and calm.

Flying over a place full of mountains,
protruding hills and mountains
wearing a green coat, like the texture of gauze.
Like matcha-flavored chocolate that I once ate,
it really looks like matcha powder sprinkled on the sandy ground.
It's magical.
The natural mountains,
they look green and brown, covered or bare,
and they are all so comfortable.
Seeing the settlements and cities in the middle,
jumbled with white, red, blue, and brown,
but feeling a bit uncomfortable in my heart.
Humans originally evolved from nature,
what a beautiful coincidence it is.

Humans only know how to take from nature,
climbing mountains and crossing seas, trying to conquer the earth.
Mother Nature is like a tolerant mother.
Occasionally, when her children are ignorant and arrogant,
she frowns and a typhoon makes the children stick out their tongues.
Admitting their youthful recklessness.
No matter how well the buildings are constructed,
they still don't fit in with the surrounding disorderly mountains.
Against Mother Nature,
we are nothing.
It's true.
Looking at it this way, it really seems
that humans are humble parasites of nature.

On the wings,
seeing the reflection of sunlight
in the distant sky,
seeing the white moon.

The beauty of the heights,
but we belong to the land.
In the white clouds,
I vaguely see the appearance of the city below.
It should be a cloudy day,
but really,
there is light, there is the sun, existence, brightness.

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